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About Our Tours
You may want to further your knowledge of the Knights Templar’s and their connection to the spectacular Roslyn Chapel made famous by the book by Dan Brown, Da Vinci Code.

A trip to Iona in Scotland would connect you to Early Celtic Christianity and the burial site of Kings of Scotland.

You may have Irish connections and want to experience the impressive New Grange older than the Pyramids at Giza or Tara Site of the crowning of the kings of Ireland.

Be a Time Traveler Visit Inside The Circle At

Stonehenge stand among the stones at dawn or dusk, a private viewing can be arranged.

The largest prehistoric site in Europe Avebury is an outstanding experience part of the site includes a step pyramid a burial chamber and a stone circle so large that it holds a village with a haunted pub which we will lunch at.

Our tour dates are created by the request of groups or individuals. If you have a date planned to visit the UK just email us with the ideas of places you wish to visit and your arrival point and we will suggest an itinerary for you whether it be a 3 day tour or a two week tour. Personal Guiding for one or a few can be arranged to order. We will pick you up from your arrival point and begin your tour without delay.

Itineraries can be created to fit individual tastes.

Whether it is a tour of all the main sites in the UK you require or just a 3 day quickie we can put together something to suit your budget and the time available.

Group discounts for group organizers are available. Providing you make up the numbers required. Prices can include hotels, guides, entrance fees, airport taxis transportation and all ceremonies while in the country or just a daily fee.

Prices do not include airfare.

Large group size is limited to a maximum 30.
Smaller groups can be accommodated with a minimum of 15

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