CHILD CARE/NURSERY/CHILD MINDERS In addition to a quality education experience at your child care facility, you can provide a highly safe and secure environment for the children and parents/guardians. Photo ID's with the authorised pick up individual and one of the child can be created to ensure an extra measure of security and piece of mind.

EDUCATION Student ID cards are typically designed for acess to various school buildings and labs, and ID cards can also be used for school club membership.

HEALTH CARE ID cards can be used to identify employees and visitors, as well as provide access to controlled areas, for visiting nursing associations, and the like, for authorisation and confirmation of the individual's status and role.

LAW ENFORCEMENT/LOCAL GOVERNMENT ldentification of employees at all levels. Access into secure areas can be identified through the proper ID status.

BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY ID cards can be designed with your logo to easily differentiate and identify employees both permanent and temporary. Photo ID's can be used for those employees who must interact with the general public and must provide positive identification.

HOTELS and RESORTS In addition to issuing employee ID's for hotel and resort staff, ID's can also be issued to frequent guests for discount or health club privileges.

RECREATION MEMBERSHIPS ID cards can also be used for special events held by many recreational facilities and be used as a keepsake from the event, such like fitness, tennis, golf or country clubs. Museums, zoos and aquariums also my want to identify their benefactors with a special ID card .

ASSOCIATIONS/RETAIL CLUB MEMBERSHIP Photo ID cards can also be very useful and beneficial in providing positive identification of club members, and for associations such as the travel industry.

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